Paviljoen Het ProefLab//


Paviljoen Het ProefLab//
Voorsterweg 34
8316 PT Marknesse
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Located right next to the monumental artwork Deltawerk//, Pavilion Het Proeflab// is the perfect base for a walk through the Waterloopbos. Het ProefLab// houses both a restaurant and Natuurmonumenten's visitor centre. At the visitor centre desk, you will find plenty of information about the area and the various activities and routes to experience. The new exhibition on the past, present and future of the Waterloopbos also occupies a prominent place in the building.

Besides a cup of coffee with delicious home-made cake, you can also g…

Located right next to the monumental artwork Deltawerk//, Pavilion Het Proeflab// is the perfect base for a walk through the Waterloopbos. Het ProefLab// houses both a restaurant and Natuurmonumenten's visitor centre. At the visitor centre desk, you will find plenty of information about the area and the various activities and routes to experience. The new exhibition on the past, present and future of the Waterloopbos also occupies a prominent place in the building.

Besides a cup of coffee with delicious home-made cake, you can also go to The Taste Lab// for lunch or a drink with delicious appetisers. The kitchen works a lot with fresh and home-made products, often seasonal. The menu therefore changes regularly. Enough to keep tasting! On Fridays and Saturdays, the restaurant is also open for dinner. Enjoy special dishes, made of mostly local ingredients and several vega(n) options. Just make sure to book online in advance.

As many walkers take their dogs to the Waterloopbos, The Taste Lab// has also introduced a special menu with healthy and tasty snacks for dogs. Thus, not only the owners but also the dogs have a choice of all kinds of treats. However, owners are requested to keep their dogs on a leash, both in the Waterloopbos and the restaurant.


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