Flevoland tour

(240.0 km)

Are you a fitness fanatic who does not flinch from a challenge? Do you dare to battle the Flevoland Great Headwind Wall? Then we have the ultimate route for you: the Flevoland tour!

A few figures to start with: this route is 240 km long and encompasses the entire boundaries of the Flevopolder (140 km) and Noordoostpolder (100 km), together forming the largest piece of ‘man-made land’ in the world. You spend almost the entire day cycling with a view over the water of the Markermeer, IJsselmeer and Randmeren lakes. Except for crossing the Ketelbrug bridge twice, there are hardly any height variations along this flat route. But expect to be fatigued by the time you get home because you will be engaged in the ultimate battle with the Flevoland Great Headwind Wall... Click on the Description tab below for more information about this route. …

Are you a fitness fanatic who does not flinch from a challenge? Do you dare to battle the Flevoland Great Headwind Wall? Then we have the ultimate route for you: the Flevoland tour!

A few figures to start with: this route is 240 km long and encompasses the entire boundaries of the Flevopolder (140 km) and Noordoostpolder (100 km), together forming the largest piece of ‘man-made land’ in the world. You spend almost the entire day cycling with a view over the water of the Markermeer, IJsselmeer and Randmeren lakes. Except for crossing the Ketelbrug bridge twice, there are hardly any height variations along this flat route. But expect to be fatigued by the time you get home because you will be engaged in the ultimate battle with the Flevoland Great Headwind Wall... Click on the Description tab below for more information about this route. 

Download the GPX route  when a south and west wind blows.

Download the GPX route when a north and east wind blows.

Sights on this route

Strandrestaurant Poortdok
IJmeerdijk 1 a

De Noorderplassen

De Noorderplassen
8244 PB Lelystad
Haven Urk
Burgemeerster J Schipper Kade
8321 EH Urk
8313 PR Lemmer
Voorsterweg 36
Land Art Pier + Horizon
8317 PD Kraggenburg


Schokkerhaven 1
8308 PX Nagele



Food forest Roggebotstaete

Vossemeerdijk 6
Food forest Roggebotstaete




End point: Strandpaviljoen Poort Dok
IJmeerdijk 1
1309 BA Almere



Start at the Poort Dok beach pavilion at Almeerderstrand beach at the southwest point of Flevoland. Check in advance which direction to ride the route because you will want to profit optimally from the wind (see the advice below). The original route begins on the Oostvaardersdijk dike. While getting ready to mount, look over the stunning water to see the skyline of Amsterdam, stretched across the horizon. It’s a typical Holland picture.

Speed over the dike for kilometres with the Markermeer on your left and the Oostvaardersplassen on your right. Past Lelystad you leave the dike and ‘climb’ the Ketelbrug bridge, which at 18 m high is the highest point you will have to cycle over in Flevoland. Welcome to the Noordoostpolder! Along the dike and between the sheep, head towards Urk, whose lighthouse is like a beacon on the horizon. Take a break in the village for a cup of coffee on the roof terrace of the Restaurant Het Achterhuis. Past Urk cycle for kilometres into the empty space along the dike towards Lemmer. Here cycling becomes almost meditative.

At Lemmer you leave the water behind for a section over the former sea dikes on the boundary between the old land and the Noordoostpolder. After climbing the Ketelbrug for the second time, cycle onwards through the Flevopolders. You have already covered almost 150 km. Still not tired? Don’t worry, you can continue pedalling for another 90 km along the Randmeren. Your route is somewhat sheltered along the Drontermeerdijk and Harderdijk dikes (watch out for the blind crossings) and includes a bit of woods at Zeewolde. Then just a bit longer of gritting your teeth on the Eemmeerdijk dike, and the end is in sight. Once you are back at the Poort Dok beach pavilion you can reward yourself with a piece of cake or even a whole cake because you succeeded in overcoming the arduous Great Headwind Wall!

Distance: 240 km
Starting point: Almeerderstrand in combination with  Poort Dok beach pavilion
★☆☆☆☆ Winding
★★☆☆☆ Green
★★★★★ Water
★★★★★ Open Flevoland
★★★★★ Wind*

Coffee break
Restaurant Het Achterhuis
Burgemeester J. Schipperkade 2, 8321 EH Urk

To be perfectly honest: while cycling this route it is impossible to escape the wind. It will be against you! 

For the other routes we only mention the Great Headwind Wall in passing, but on this route you will climb the Col van Woei/the Great Headwind Col. The only relief you get is the relatively sheltered stretches from Lemmer to Vollenhoven (or vice versa) and from Kampen to Zeewolde (or vice versa). Follow this route with north and east wind counter clockwise and with south and west wind clockwise (standard route).

Pay attention!
240 km over safe and sound cycle paths, with hardly any traffic lights; on this route you can keep going for long stretches. There is only one warning for this route. On the Drontermeerdijk and Bremerbergdijk dikes there are a number of blind crossings leading to the recreation areas by the water. Watch out to ensure that any traffic crossing your route has noticed you in time.

Fun for partner/family
Your partner or family can follow you all day long because there is more than enough entertainment around the edges of Flevoland! Here’s a few suggestions: Almeerderstrand beach (starting point), Oostvaardersplassen, Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet, the Batavia ship, Urk, Het Waterloopbos woods, Kabouterbos Dronten, Walibi Holland, Hans & Grietje Pannenkoekhuis en speelpark [pancake restaurant and playground], Harderbos, Horsterwold and so much more.

End point: Strandpaviljoen Poort Dok
IJmeerdijk 1
1309 BA Almere
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